Liam went to his first Easter egg hunt on Saturday, organized by our neighborhood garden club. There were almost 30 kids that showed up, including a few close to Liam's age. There were 2 separate egg hunts - one for those under 3 (wee eggs) and another for the bigger kids. We didn't expect Liam to be terribly competitive in the egg hunt, but he got sidetracked by another child's toy - a plastic lawnmower with a moving smiley face on the front. One glance, and he was transfixed. When the hunt started and the other kids took off looking for eggs, Liam started chasing the boy with the lawnmower. Forget the eggs...he wanted that lawnmower! Liam chased him across the yard and back, then over to the driveway. When the other little guy turned his back on the lawnmower for just a second, Liam seized the opportunity and grabbed it. He looked so pleased with himself once he finally got his hands on that plastic enigma. He started pushing it all over, with that ever growing look of satisfaction on his face. He wanted to push it everywhere, but daddy had to draw the line when he wanted to push it into the street. A power struggle ensued, and of course daddy won. I guess we know what Liam will be getting for Christmas...